Legal Notice

General Information according to § 5 ECG, Disclosure according to § 25 MedienG

 Transgourmet Österreich GmbH Egger-Lienz-Straße 15 4050 Traun, Austria 
E-Mail: office [at] (office[at]transgourmet[dot]at) 
Phone: +43 (0) 50744 / 1000 
Managing Directors: Mag. Manfred Hayböck; Thomas Panholzer, MBA

Commercial Court Linz 
Commercial Register No.: FN 185232 a 
DVR: 4000714 
VAT ID: ATU47972001
Member of the Chamber of Commerce Upper Austria

Registered Office: Traun 

Shareholder: Transgourmet Holding AG (100%) 
Supervisory Board Members: 
Ronald Freudenthaler, born 12.09.1970 
Martin Gstöttner, born 25.10.1962 
Hansueli Loosli, born 04.11.1955 
Adrian Werren, born 07.03.1969 
Dr. Joachim Zentes, born 22.06.1947

Professional Law: 

Trade Regulation Act:, Food Safety and Consumer Protection Act - LMSVG, District Commission Linz-Land 

Object of the Company: 

a) Trade in goods of all kinds, 
b) Operation of the butcher trade, 
c) Operation of the hospitality and tavern trade, including the serving of distilled alcoholic beverages, 
d) Operation of petrol stations, 
e) Rental and leasing of business premises, warehouses, and other premises, 
f) Provision of services of all kinds, 
g) Participation and administration of investments of all kinds, in particular in companies with the corporate objects referred to in a) to f).

The content of this website is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. The use of all content - even in part - is not permitted without the written explicit permission of Transgourmet. This website uses software to analyze the use of the website. Valuable insights into user needs can be gained from the evaluation of this data. These insights contribute to further improving the quality of the offering.

Please refer to our privacy policy regarding the use of your personal data.

Please also note our terms and conditions.

EU dispute resolution

The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (ODR):
Our e-mail address can be found above in the site notice.

Dispute resolution proceedings in front of a consumer arbitration board

We are not willing or obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings in front of a consumer arbitration board.

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